Off on a business trip this afternoon, back Thursday night. Temps in the mid-high-60s to high 40s, no rain. All sorts of grand Sarbanes-Oxley stuff. Joy.
California, here I come
Off on a business trip this afternoon, back Thursday night. Temps in the mid-high-60s to high 40s, no rain. All sorts of grand Sarbanes-Oxley stuff. Joy….
Have a safe trip.
Hopefully you’ll have broadband at the hotel so you can spend some quility time CoH’ing with Margie tomorrow evening, or tonight after you get settled.
Tomorrow night at the earliest, given the cable modem problems at home.
So much for no rain. =)
Yeah. Not too bad, though. And rain really doesn’t bother me. Especiall since I’m going home … 🙂