And, abruptly, it’s warm up in the bedroom when we turned in. Which wasn’t surprising, since our trip to the zoo yesterday got pretty warm, too, up to about 80. It was warm most of the night — fans got turned on, windows opened, etc. And it’s supposed to stay warm during the week, too.
Spring is over, I guess. Alas.
Well, Yeah…
THe Ash trees are leafing, the Turkey Buzzards, Friget Birds, and the Pelicans are back.
So all signs os Summer being here.
The last signs being Trail Ridge Road, Indy Pass, and Mt. Evens being open
Well, Evans and Trail Ridge are usually scheduled to open on Memorial Day weekend (which is disturbingly close).
Asked Margie if we needed to switch the thermostat from Heater to A/C, but she said, “Not yet.” I think she’s being optimistic.
Tested out the sprinklers Sunday. Everything seems to have gotten through the winter without a problem. It’s all on manual at the moment, but I suspect I’ll need to give it a run this week sometime.