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BT05 – Where Treads the Blogging Blogathonner!

Mmmm. Firehouse Casserole. Yummy. If I do say so myself….

Mmmm. Firehouse Casserole. Yummy. If I do say so myself.

More comics I’m reading these days (whew!)

  1. Green Lantern #2 (DC): Very good, solid story. Who’d have thought Geoff Johns could do it? Hal Jordan is back on his game, alien technology is showing up in new governmental aircraft, and a myterious voice keeps saying “… N-NO … M-M-M-MAN …” (which, when revealed, was very cool). Carlos Pacheco’s art is clean and spiffy, just what the doctor ordered. Nice.
  2. Gotham Central #33-34 (DC): Robin’s body is found, dead. Only, is it really Robin? Only one thing to do — since nobody on the GPD can talk with Batman (indeed, they’re shooting at him instead): talk to the Teen Titans. It’s a fun juxtaposition between the Spandex set and the grittiness of this police procedural. Rucka and Brubaker do well, and Kano’s pencils give a properly noirish sense to the proceedings. Good stuff.

  3. Hawkman #42 (DC): Hawkman is dead. Golden Eagle and Hawkgirl are both pursuing vengeance against the true nasties that have done it. Then — who is that flying in on the last panel? Gray and Palmioti’s writing is engaging, and Sadowski and Geraci’s art is serviceable. This series isn’t quite as good as it was a while back, but it’s still worth a read.

Oops. Out of time. Dinner hath interfered with mine blogging! Zounds!

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