Worked from home, since I wanted to be there for Kitten’s send-off on the bus, and it was supposed to be a half day.
Several phone calls later, around 2 or so, I called it a week. Margie was home still later than that, despite “just” having one late morning meeting.
Greeted Kitten back on the bus. The new rhythm of our lives.
A couple of parishioners were having a big party for the new rector and his family finally arriving from Oregon (house sales and school schedules being such as they were). We had a fine time, they had a good band and tasty food, Kitten got to play and dance and goof around, and we called it quits early enough to visit Jackie … or not, as she wasn’t feeling like visitors (which is certainly her prerogative), so we headed home, got the kid to bed, and played CoH for a while until I was nodding off.
Slept the morning away.
Went to a Saturday Cotton Patch Gospel rehearsal, again focusing on the music. Seems there are now to be two rehearsals a week, with Thursdays for working the script (argh) and Saturdays the music. The latter is semi-optional for me, since Jim knows my Saturdays are difficult, but I feel like I need to attend a few more pretty, er, religiously, given the amount of music we’re still pushing through.
Not quite sure what happened the rest of the afternoon. Ah. Got new tires on the Subaru. Did some shopping. New slacks at Costco, but refrained from buying a couple of DVDs I wanted.
Evening was a CoH task force. Fun times.
Did the normal church stuff in the a.m. Margie was one of the chalice ministers, so I got to be guardian of Katherine in the front row right. She behaved pretty well for a 5-year-old in church, though she got upset that (a) she only had two crayons in her drawing bag (which she’d already known) and (b) I wouldn’t let her get up in the middle of the readings to go back to the narthex to get a bag of crayons from there. I did duck back there during the announcements, which made her a happy camper, er, drawer up into the parts of the service she knows how to participate in.
Afterwards, we did some shopping and had lunch at Panera Breads. The good news is that the portabello mushroom pannini is extremely tasty. The bad news was that the house latte was dismal — I think the preparer (a “certified trainer”) forgot to put the espresso shots in.
Sunday was also the first planned Game Day that I’ve managed to actually be available for. This was my hot new idea when it turned out that both circumstance and other life stressors meant that continuing my RPG campaign (or Margie’s, for that matter) was simply not going to happen. The alternative is a biweekly Sunday that’s just light gaming and socializing — not necessarily RPGs but not necessarily not, but generally one-off activities, with my doing as much prep and planning as the Muse enables me to.
Two months later, I wasn’t busy on a designated Sunday, so huzzah. The only complication was the new Testerbaby. After much going back and forth, and De being excused from attending because of a cold, we ended up with a tentative plan to go to Doyce & Jackie’s for an hour or so, to let everyone ooh and aah over the Bebe, and then adjourn back home.
As it turned out, we stayed there the whole afternoon, along with Stan and Randy. The conversational part of the day far exceeded any gaming, as we all caught up with stuff (much, though by no means all, CoH related). Ultimately, Doyce went upstairs for a nap, and I managed to crack a game open — Guillotine, which I’d played some years back at KOA. Good stuff, simple and quick to play, and the resemblance to another home favorite, Family Business, may or may not be coincidental.
The only drawback to sticking around was that I’d sketched in the idea of doing some SPANC with Margie, Randy, and Stan once we got back the house. It will, eventually, happen.
Headed home, got Kitten in bed for an early morning of Kindergarten, and played some CoH.
All in all, not a bad weekend.
Kitten parties down at a soiree for our new rector.
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Okay, I know that five of you all have CoH characters on Champion. What about Randy?
CoH is like Valdemort to Randy…It-that-Shall-not-be-mentioned.
So instead we subject him to endless discussions of CoH goings-on whenever we get together. Which, I can imagine, might grate sometimes (hence my trying to shift us over into gameplaying mode once he arrived on Sunday).
Oh, one other thing that happened that day was my escorting Jackie to Babies-R-Us for various and sundry items. It was like stepping back in time …
Game Day!
Well, since I thought of the idea of Game Day (alternate Sundays for socializing and playing of games, not necessarily RPGs), we’ve managed to do it only once — until…