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This came out a week or so ago, and Hythian tagged me for it, then Doyce did as well. I don’t like this one as well as the Fours, but…

This came out a week or so ago, and Hythian tagged me for it, then Doyce did as well. I don’t like this one as well as the Fours, but I’ll see what comes to mind here.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die:
Recently answered

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Do that really loud whistle with your fingers in your mouth. (hat tip Doyce)
2. Get and stay mad at someone I know between face to face encounters. Even if they deserve it.
3. Get over Imposter Syndrome thang.
4. Dance, except as comic relief or slow dancing with Margie (which isn’t really dancing, just a very nice mobile hug).
5. Focus on a given project for more than a week or so without very rigid goals and schedules, externally imposed and/or committed to.
6. Figure out electrical wiring. Just looking at the diagrams on the back of the packages from Home Depot makes my eyes cross.
7. Tread water.

Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1. Love.
2. Bunny.
3. No prob.
4. Fine, and with yourself?
5. Hrm.
6. Heh.
7. Cool.

Seven Things That Attract Me To People:
[not counting lust interest, per se, here]
1. A sense of humor.
2. Similar interests.
3. Good listening skills.
4. Patience and tolerance.
5. Loyalty.
6. An enjoyment of fun.
7. Kindness, not meanness.

Seven Books (or Series) I Love:
[see, these are the questions I hate here, because without an actual gander at my bookshelf, I just know I’m going to forget something] [and I’m going to dfine “love” here as “read repeatedly,” which is not necessarily the same thing] [and I’m going to do series, mostly.]
1. The Nero Wolfe series, by Rex Stout
2. The Honor Harrington series, by David Weber
3. The Cadfael series, by Ellis Peters
4. The Spenser series, by Robert Parker
5. The Crystal Gryphon, The Zero Stone, and The Year of the Unicorn by Andre Norton [which are not a series per se, but tough]
6. The Taltos series, by Stephen Brust
7. The New Voyages series by Peter David

Seven Movies I Can Watch Over And Over:
Recently answered, though I forgot The Princess Bride.
[I’m the same way with these sorts of lists as I am with books — I really need/want to look at my cabinet o’ videos to give a solid answer.]

Seven Places I’d Rather Be:
Recently answered, though “with Margie” is always a solid answer.

Seven Favorite Comic Book Series:
[which is tough, because some particular writer/artist runs of ongoing series would probably get listed here, but the way it’s couched, it comes out as either ongoing series in toto or else miniseries …] [these are consistent “bottom of the stack” titles

1. Usagi Yojimbo (Sakai)
2. Watchmen (A. Moore/Gibbons)
3. Strangers in Paradise (T. Moore)
4. Sandman (Gaiman/var.)
5. The Authority (Ellis era)
6. Planetary (Ellis/Cassaday)
7. Fables (Willingham/var.)

Honorable mention to PvP, Powers, and Dork Tower.

Seven Favorite Anime:
1. Oh! My Goddess!
2. You’re Under Arrest
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
4. Cowboy Bebop
um …

Seven Favorite Smells:
1. Vanilla
2. Bacon
3. Apples and cinnamon. Or, alternately, cinnamon rolls.
4. Margie
5. Katherine
6. Garlic
7. Baking bread

Seven People I Want To Join In On This:
I’ll leave that to our studio audience, esp. since I’m the last one to have posted this thing in our circle.

33 view(s)  

3 thoughts on “Sevens”

  1. To demonstrate how even the Internet can act like a giant game of “Operator,” here’s Solonor’s rendition of this meme, prompted by his own chain of individuals. It would be interesting to see where along the line the “Seven things I can do” dropped out from the chain I was on, as well as the wording change in the first category (“Seven things to do before I kick the can”) — I suspect there’s an anthro or communications theory paper lurking here …

  2. Since my blog is currently extinct I figured I’d answer this here, especially since I seem to have more in common with you then I realized, at least where entertainment is concerned….

    Seven Things to Do Before I Die:

    1. Publish at least one novel
    2. Sing a Johnny Cash song in front of an audience
    3. Hang glide
    4. Play a game of pool for 1000 dollars
    5. Drink absinthe
    6. Meet a President
    7. Get the perfect oppertunity to say “Play it, Sam. You played it for her, play it for me.”

    Seven Things I Cannot Do:

    1. Walk into a bookstore and not buy a book.
    2. Not scream at political shows on TV.
    3. Play an instrument.
    4. Draw.
    5. Read Lord of The Rings all the way through.
    6. Diet.
    7. Keep a reasonable schedule of any kind.

    Seven Things I Say Most Often:

    hmmm. Don’t think anything really fits here…

    Seven Things That Attract Me To People:

    and not going here at all. Can’t do it and stay family friendly.

    Seven Books (or Series) I Love:

    1. Nero Wolfe books by Rex Stout
    2. Spenser books by Robert Parker
    3. Scudder or Bernie books by Lawrence Block
    4. Dortmunder books by Donald Westlake
    5. Marlowe books by Chandler
    6. Myth books by Robert Asprin
    7. anything by Stephen King

    Seven Movies I Can Watch Over And Over:

    1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    2. Bond movies, especially ones with Brosnan
    3. The Sting
    4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
    5. Serenity
    6. Escape From New York
    7. Die Hard (1 or 3)

    Seven Places I’d Rather Be:

    1. Ireland
    2. England
    3. Scotland
    4. Jamaica
    5. Key West
    6. Australia
    7. Earth That Was….

    Seven Favorite Comic Book Series:

    1. Swamp Thing by Alan Moore
    2. Batman by Englehart / Rogers
    3. Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis
    4. Planetary by Warren Ellis
    5. Preacher by Garth Ennis
    6. Cerebus by Dave Sim
    7. Green Lantern / Green Arrow by O’Neil & Adams

    Seven Favorite Smells:

    1. (not for family consumption. use your imagination)
    2. Pizza
    3. Vanilla
    4. a MLB ballpark (the mix of people, beer, pretzels, hot dogs, etc.)
    5. good bourbon
    6. a good cigar
    7. new books…

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