Drinking lots of coffee can significantly reduce the occurrence of some types of breast cancer in women.
“Those women who drank six or more cups of coffee a day on average had about a 75 per cent reduction in the risk of breast cancer,” Narod said.
The study looked at women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations, and found those who drank coffee had less risk of developing breast cancer than those who did not. Drinking coffee was especially protective against breast cancer among those with a BRCA1 mutation.
Those who drank one to three cups daily had a 10 per cent lower chance of developing breast cancer than those who did not drink coffee. Those who drank four or five cups had a 25 per cent lower risk. And those who drank six cups or more had a 69 per cent lower chance of developing breast cancer.
[…] The researchers believe the lower cancer risk may be the result of phtoestrogens found in the coffee. Decaffeinated coffee consumption had no effect on breast cancer rates.
So … go for that espresso, ladies!
(via Beth)
From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, cancer is a disease of stagnation. In other words, cancer occurs when the energy in your body isn’t moving, for whatever reason that might be.
Considering what six or more cups of coffee would do to a person, stagnation sounds like the least of their worries. 😉