Moving offices, that is. Been in one of two adjoining offices since we moved into the building in December 1999 (“Why, yes, that was Boxing Day we moved, and, yes, that was the week before Y2K, thanks for reminding me”). But I just got word today that the move mentioned way back when is actually taking place. On Friday.
Thank goodness I don’t have anything else on my schedule between now and then. Not.
Cue furious swirl of papers and boxes in my overstuffed office, accompanied by Keystone Kops music …
Amazing how quickly an office can go from being My Home to being a bunch of boxes and empty shelves and scraps of paper.
Way. Too. Much. Stuff.
I’m pushing some of the sorting for when I get there (a/k/a, if it turns out I have room for That Stack, I’ll just stack it). No time to do it today, “during production.”
Katherine, however, was the unexpected beneficiary of my bringing some of my cheap toys home. 🙂