Via Google Talk:
Margie: How’s your day going?
Dave: Ever play Asteroids? Know how things get at about the 25th level …
Margie: And you are down to 1 ship
Dave: And the buttons are sticking. And you’ve never been comfortable about using Hyperspace. And someone’s trying to talk to you from the side.
Margie: and you are out of quarters
Dave: Well, maybe there’s a quarter, sure there must be one, but my pockets are full of stuff and I can;t find one and the timer is ticking down …
Margie: I hope that I am the potentially helpful hyperspace button and not the sticky keys
Dave: You’re the person who buys me a Coop milkshake afterwards.
One of those days when you hit the Hyperspace button to escape certain doom, but you wind up exploding as soon as you reappear? Yeah. I hear ya.
Since that happens about 4 out of 5 times that *I* hit the button, yeah.