Anyone realize that yesterday was Loyalty Day?
The Congress, by Public Law 85-529, as amended, has designated May 1 of each year as “Loyalty Day.” I ask all Americans to join me in this day of celebration and in reaffirming our allegiance to our Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2006, as Loyalty Day. I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support of this national observance, and to display the flag of the United States on Loyalty Day.
Note, though, that this is not a Bush invention. It was originally celebrated in the US in the 1920s as “Americanization Day” (against all those socialist/communist agitators who were celebrating May Day), and was formally established by Congress in 1958.
That said … I don’t know that I’ve ever heard tell of it before, let alone seen anyone making a fuss about it. Presumably the President (whomever it is at the time) issues a press release, as requested in the law, each year, but … well, with patriotic holidays in February, May, June, and July already, it does seem to be gilding the lily a bit.
(via Les)