Caffeine contents in various drinks. And another table showing much the same.
From the first article, some fun facts:
# Caffeine is similar in structure to adenosine, a chemical found in the brain that slows down its activity. Since the two compete, the more caffeine you drink, the less adenosine is available up to a point. That’s why caffeine temporarily heightens concentration and wards off fatigue.
# Within 30 to 60 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee, caffeine reaches peak concentrations in the bloodstream. It typically takes four to six hours for its effects to wear off.
# Smokers remove caffeine from their blood twice as fast as nonsmokers. That may be why smokers tend to drink more coffee.
# The average American adult consumes about 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day, and the top ten percent consume an average of 400 mg, according to John J. Barone, who tracks caffeine consumption at The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta.
# As little as 200 mg of caffeine is enough to make some people feel nervous and anxious. It might take even less for cola-guzzling kids.
# The typical American drinks about two cups of coffee a day. In 1962, when coffee consumption hit its peak, three cups was typical.
# Coffee accounts for about ¾ of the caffeine we consume. Tea makes up about 15 percent, soft drinks about ten percent, and chocolate about two percent.
For the record, a grande (16 oz.) Starbucks contains 550mg, the same as 2½ maximum strength No-Doz, or just under 10 12-oz. cans of Coke.
For the record, I drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day, which works out the same as one of those grandes.
How much coffee would you have to drink to kill yourself from caffeine poisoning? Find out.
374.54 cans of Dr Pepper + Me = Death
Or least you’d be begging for death …
(Heck, I get that way after one can of Dr. Pepper.)