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Holiday Weekend in Review!

Saturday Go on a whirlwind tour of four states with Margie and Katherine. Follow large chunks of the Santa Fe Trail and Route 66. Discover that while In-n-Out at…


Go on a whirlwind tour of four states with Margie and Katherine. Follow large chunks of the Santa Fe Trail and Route 66. Discover that while In-n-Out at midnight is good, McDonalds at 2:30 a.m. is a waste of time.


Finish said tour.

Sleep for about four or five hours. Well, Margie and I did. Katherine basically stayed in her room until the time she was told she could get up, at which point she did.

Get up. Wrap gifts. Many thanks to Jim and Ginger for setting up the wrapping station downstairs.

Take a nap.

Get ready for Christmas Eve Dinner. About twenty-odd friends and relatives (including my folks) this year. Kids got a Kids Table for the first time. Good food, good company.

Clean up. Bring gifts down around the tree. Good night.


Get up surprisingly early.

Open stockings, then gifts with Jim and Ginger.

Shower, change, relax a short bit.

Head on up to my folks’ house. More gift opening with them and Nona.

Head on over to my brother’s new house in Alta Dena (very nice, and a lot easier to find than his old one in Fontana). Still more gifts. Yummy Christmas Dinner — ham (not Honey Baked, thank the Maker), cheesy potatoes, carrot cake, etc. Yuuuummmm.

Head on down to the Dellis’. Dessert (more). Yet more (if final) gifts.

Head back to the Ks. Sleep.


Spend the day in equal parts (a) dealing with Christmas cards, and (b) dealing with a critical, urgent proposal that needs costing and scheduling stat!

Finally wrap that up around 6 p.m. Read a little bit. Drink some martinis. Eat leftovers from Christmas Eve Dinner.

Relax. Set the alarm for 4:30 a.m. Sleeeeeeeep.

Rest of the Week

Work today. Work tomorrow. Work half (ha!) Friday.




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