Well, back in the old days, there was a silent version of SW: A New Hope. Heck, by cricky, that was before it was “A New Hope”! A short, 8mm film came out for the home market. It wasn’t the whole thing, just a highlights version, but it fit the bill. Dialog via “flash cards”!
As I recall, this was around the time that a friend of mine filmed “2001” when it was broadcast on the television so he would have a home movie version of it! He ran out of film before getting it all, but did a pretty good job of at least half the movie.
Well, back in the old days, there was a silent version of SW: A New Hope. Heck, by cricky, that was before it was “A New Hope”! A short, 8mm film came out for the home market. It wasn’t the whole thing, just a highlights version, but it fit the bill. Dialog via “flash cards”!
As I recall, this was around the time that a friend of mine filmed “2001” when it was broadcast on the television so he would have a home movie version of it! He ran out of film before getting it all, but did a pretty good job of at least half the movie.