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I hear you want a Resolution (2007 Edition) – Addendum

And, it should go without saying (but I say it nonetheless) that I resolve to be the bestest partner, lover, hubby and friend to Margie, the most wonderful woman in…

And, it should go without saying (but I say it nonetheless) that I resolve to be the bestest partner, lover, hubby and friend to Margie, the most wonderful woman in the world.

So there.

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I hear you want a Resolution (2007 Edition)

Let’s start off with a review of last year. 1. Spend more time with Kitten. Managed to do this, actually. Continued the tradition of driving her home from after-care on…

Let’s start off with a review of last year.

1. Spend more time with Kitten.

Managed to do this, actually. Continued the tradition of driving her home from after-care on the couple of days of the week she was there. Went with her to karate. And spent more time (the both of us did) assisting with homework.

2. Try to cut back on external commitments some. Family first.

Didn’t do nearly as much stuff outside the house. Continued to spend time with Margie playing CoX, etc. Tried to prioritize even my work schedule around Katherine’s needs.


    3. Write. Edit. Write.

    Fell down more than a bit here. While I did the April Storyball, and even set up my own Writing blog, my attempts to prioritize working on existing works, and extending into others, didn’t go anywhere (heck, even . Even resolutions to do the next best thing, GMing, never really gelled. An “activity too far.”


    4. Keep the weight off, and walk 1,500 miles to nowhere.

    When all was said and done here, I felt pretty good in this category. Weight went up during the year, but since October (and, ahem, excluding any tracking over the last week or so) I dropped about 15 lbs to go under 200. So huzzah there.

    I’m probably going to be about 20-25 miles short on the 1,500 miles — too many times I just didn’t get the walking thang done. But I managed to really stick to the walking at lunch, and that helped a lot in a lot of ways. And Margie and I walk together a mile or two on the track while Katherine’s in karate, so it was all pretty good.

    And what about next year? Well, I don’t know as I’d call these “stretch goals,” but how about

    1. Spend at least as much time with Kitten. Preferably more “quality time” — getting her involved with stuff at home, and being more involved in some of her other activities. She’s growing up into a fine young lady that I want to spend time with.


    2. Keep the house in a bit more order — a bit tidier, pursue projects and maintenance a bit more diligently, etc. This is going to mean (gasp) maybe doing a bit less of other activities. These sorts of things work better as routine, so I need to figure out how to do that in a flexible fashion.


    3. Write. Edit. Write. Yeah, yeah. Need to think of some good strategies here, though, that don’t involved Daily Stuff — because my Daily Stuff queue is pretty much full.


    4. Be fit. Keep the weight off, exercise more, and walk 1,500 miles to nowhere. Heck, how’s this — drop down to 185 by the end of the year. There’s an (un-)stretch goal for you! Or, more precisely, for me. But one I believe I can reach.

    Happy New Year, all!

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