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All the Doctors down in Who’sville

I was watching my Doctor Who series 2 DVDs this afternoon, with the commentary track on “New Earth.”  Kitten was running around doing Easter decorations.  It’s a relatively innocuous…

I was watching my Doctor Who series 2 DVDs this afternoon, with the commentary track on “New Earth.”  Kitten was running around doing Easter decorations.  It’s a relatively innocuous episode, especially with the voice-overs for the commentary, so I didn’t worry too much.  And, in passing, she thought the cat-ladies were neat.

When the show was over, she opined, “That show was weird.”

“That was Doctor Who.”

“That was Doctor Who?  I didn’t know that.”  She’d heard us talking of it many times, but had never actually seen it.

So she offered that she’d like to watch some more.  Now, I knew the next episode was “Tooth and Claw,” full of werewolfy goodness, so I was very careful to tell her that it was scary.  “That’s okay.”

She watched it while stuffing Easter Egg shells for the Easter Egg hunt at church, her back turned part of the time, but also twisted around to watch for most of it.  And she enjoyed it — her favorite part was the guy transforming into the wolf, but she didn’t find the various werewolf attacks all that scary, despite my repeated inquiries.

So … we’ll see if there are bad dreams tonight.  But … well, I was reluctant to watch the next ep — “School Reunion” — tonight as I thought it would be particularly suitable for her.  I will be most amused if she decides that Doctor Who is a cool thing to watch.

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4 thoughts on “All the Doctors down in Who’sville”

  1. Cat-nuns! I love me some cat-nuns (even if their motives weren’t entirely pure). I’m glad Kitten expressed interest in Doctor Who.

    I think we’re going to have to get the DVDs. All of them.

  2. I was listening to Says You! on NPR Saturday, and they had a category in which the panel had to identify a name that several people were connected with. In one round, the first name was Jon Pertwee, and of course I immediately knew the answer (even though I don’t watch Dr. Who, SF fans can’t help but be exposed to the names of the various Doctors). The panel had no idea, even after four actors’s names. When told that it was Dr. Who, none of them had ever heard of the show. One even responded “Dr who???”

  3. That’s funny.

    And, for the record, I was chatting with Katherine on the way to karate last evening, and she started going on about how much she’d liked watching Doctor Who the previous day. I asked if there had been any bad dreams, and she said no.

    That said, there are probably some eps I wouldn’t run past her yet (“The Empty Child” comes to mind), but I’ll stay on the lookout for ones that I can.

    Hmmm. I do have a couple of Tom Baker era ones — she might enjoy those, too.

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