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Fight fiercely, Bloggers, fight, fight, fight!

Ginny points to Accordion Guy’s suggestion that the “Vulcan Fight Song” (played during the famous Spock/Kirk struggle in Star Trek’s “Amok Time” episode) should be … … the official…

Ginny points to Accordion Guy‘s suggestion that the “Vulcan Fight Song” (played during the famous Spock/Kirk struggle in Star Trek‘s “Amok Time” episode) should be …

… the official song of internet discussions and blog comments. Like the Vulcan ritual that the music underscored, most internet arguments are triggered by a response in the most primitive parts of our brains, look silly to outsiders and seem to be taken up by people who are slated to have sex once every seven years.

 Bring forth the Trackback!

Bonus points if you don’t have to go to Accordion Guy’s site to be reminded of the music.  And bonus points if you have any idea of the episode I’m talking about.

I’d go a step further than that — the Vulcan Marching Song (played as T’Pau is carted in) would serve as a fine Pomp & Circumstance for most blog sites before they degenerate into atavistic conflict.

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4 thoughts on “Fight fiercely, Bloggers, fight, fight, fight!”

  1. “T’Pau.” Knew I had it mixed up with another other Vulcan female of note.

    I’m claiming my bonus points – I heard the horns ringing out the “da da da da da da-da DAH da” in all their discordant glory before I even clicked through.

  2. I love ST:TOS music. Some great bits there.

    When I was a lad, I used a cassette recorder to tape many of the episodes (sound only, of course), and would listen to them endlessly. I still have scads of dialog and, natch, lots of the music memorized. 🙂

  3. I have a confession, Dave.

    Over a quarter of a century ago, I was visiting you, and talk turned to Star Trek, as it often did in those days. At one point, you scrambled for your box of cassettes and popped in a Trek episode you had taped off the TV. After one bar of music, I said “The City on the Edge of Forever.” You looked disgusted and muttered “I hate people who can identify episodes by the opening music.”

    I have to tell you now that I didn’t figure it out that way. That was the episode we were talking about when you suddenly started hunting for the tape. It was obvious which episode you were going to play.

    I’m a geek, but not an ubergeek. 🙂

    I do hope my pretense of superiority did not scar you emotionally, leaving you a twisted wreck of a man. And I’m glad I finally got it off my chest.

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