So a lot of folks who’ve hung around IT types have probably heard of an “ID-Ten-T” problem. That’s a code word that IT folks sometimes put on help desk tickets (which might be seen by the helped folks) to indicate that the person is an “ID10T.”
I’ve long been fond of PEBCAK as a diagnosis (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard).
Ran across a new variation on that theme — a PICNIC problem (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer).
We IT types really do love you guys. Really. Just think of it as our version of spitting in the troublesome restaurant customer’s salad.
Thanks for making me chortle.
Wait…we’re not supposed to literally spit on them…?
My husband David said a few weeks back that a co-worker (and fellow developer) had a PICNIC problem, and explained the acronym. Good one.