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Four Things Meme

You know how it works … Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life: Cooking/cleaning/sales at the local Burger King Line runner at Harwood Dining Hall at Pomona College Elementary…

You know how it works …

Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life:

  1. Cooking/cleaning/sales at the local Burger King
  2. Line runner at Harwood Dining Hall at Pomona College
  3. Elementary school teacher (Farmdale Elementary, LAUSD)
  4. Systems Programming, PC Tech Support, Xbase Programming, Oracle DBA, Site IT Management, Documentation Management, Enterprise Systems Management at my current employer.

Four Places I Have Lived:

  1. Mountain View, Calif.
  2. Diamond Bar, Calif.
  3. Fort Collins, Calif.
  4. Centennial, Colo.

Four of My Favorite Foods:

  1. Snickerdoodles (most cookies, in fact)
  2. Rum Raisin ice cream (most ice cream, in fact)
  3. Cottage Fried Potatoes (esp as cooked by Margie or her dad)
  4. Anything with my mom’s meat sauce on it.

Four Places I’d Rather be Right Now:

  1. At home in bed.
  2. At home in front of the computer.
  3. At home in front of the TV.
  4. With Margie, most anywhere.

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

  1. Undercover Blues
  2. The Princess Bride
  3. Madagascar
  4. The Incredibles

Note: I always have huge problems with these sorts of questions if I’m not standing in front of my video library.  I always end up leaving off something I’ll regret later.

Note 2:  Having a kid is a great way to learn what movies you are willing to watch over and over (and over and over).

Four TV Shows I Like to Watch:

  1. Doctor Who
  2. Painkiller Jane
  3. Law & Order
  4. Dinner: Impossible

Note: I limited this to current/non-canceled shows only.

Four Websites I Visit Daily:

  1. Stupid Evil Bastard
  2. Blogula Rasa
  3. Father Jake
  4. Decrepit Old Fool

Note: I’m excluding my own pages, as well as GMail and the like.  I do most of my browsing via Google Reader (but I won’t count that), which means I most often hit pages that are most often updated.  There are some other sites that, when they post, I’ll go to immediately (e.g., good friends).  There are many others that I tend to fall behind on then plow through several dozen posts at a time, e.g., BoingBoing.

Four Early Musical Influences:

  1. Beethoven, Mozart, Hayden, Bach, and anyone else that my parents played chamber music by.
  2. John Denver
  3. Simon & Garfunkel
  4. The Monkees

Four Computers I’ve Owned:

  1. Commodore 64
  2. Mac SE/30
  3. A long array of desktops and laptops, past and present, none of which I have any inutterable fondness for and so cannot remember the particular model names.  They have included Compaq, Sony, HP, Everex, and IBM.
  4. Katherine’s first work-surplus Compaq notebook, on which she learned to play a variety of toddler games.  (Now looking for a good home.)

Note: I’m excluding company-owned computers I’ve used.

Four people I tag:

  1. Nobody!  I tag nobody!  If you want to do this, do it.  If you don’t, I don’t want anyone to feel obliged.  So there!

(via Terry)


Evidently this meme has metastasized around the blogosphere, with new questions being plugged in.  Some that BD had that I didn’t:

Four places you’ve been on vacation:

  1. Walt Disney World
  2. Dry Creek Valley, Calif.
  3. Wales
  4. Santa Fe, NM

Four albums you can’t live without:

  1. Bangles, Greatest Hits
  2. Eurhytmics, Greatest Hits
  3. Hogwood & AAM, Handel’s Messiah
  4. Edwards & Sherman, 1776

Note: Okay, none of these I couldn’t live without — of the 7,918 songs I have loaded into iTunes — 20+ Gb, or 17.7 days of  listening — these are the albums with the most 5-star songs on them that I think I would most regret not ever being able to listen to again.

Four magazines you read:

  1. Smithsonian
  2. Comic Buyer’s Guide
  3. um … do comic books count?  Otherwise, I’m stuck.

Four cars you’ve owned:

  1. 1971 VW Super Beetle
  2. 1987 VW Jetta
  3. 1990 Honda Civic hatchback
  4. 1995 Saturn coupe

Four colors you like (not necessarily together):

  1. Cobalt Blue
  2. Fire Engine Red
  3. Lavender Purple
  4. Teal

Four Hollywood stars you want to have a drink with:

  1. Steve Martin
  2. Judi Densch
  3. Jon Stewart
  4. Joe Straczynski

Note: I’m using “Hollywood stars” to mean “Show Business Notables.” Also, I tend to draw sharp lines between actors and their roles, and I’m seriously not into the Entertainment Biz world, so a list like this is tough.  That said, I’m sure there are a dozen stars I’ve long said seem like they’d be fun to have a drink with — I just can’t think of any of them offhand.


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