Y’know, when you’re a politician and respond to something you claim to consider to be a personal attack by attacking back, I recommend two things:
1. Don’t leave voice mail messages that can be played back and transcribed.
2. Don’t make a big show of offering to deal with things in a brotherly, “Scriptural,” Christian, presumably-loving way — and then top it off with a threat that otherwise “will be forced to take other steps, which I would rather not have to do.” I don’t recall Jesus suggesting you turn the other cheek but then kick ’em in the nuts if they slap that one, too.
Nicely done, Rep. Doug Lamborn.
“We felt very threatened and intimidated, and quite frankly, scared,” Anna Bartha said. “It was just not anything we would ever anticipate an elected official would pursue or a way that an elected official would conduct himself.”
When asked whether his messages were threatening, Lamborn said: “No, that is ridiculous. My hope, I failed, but I had hoped to meet with them privately and confidentially because lying is a serious matter. “
When asked what he meant when he said there would be “consequences,” Lamborn said: “When someone tells a lie, it just has bad consequences.”
Three days after leaving the messages on the Barthas’ voice mail, Lamborn wrote an open letter to Greg Garcia, chair of the El Paso County Republicans, asking him to investigate.
And congratulations — you made national news, too!
(via BD)