So I’ve been continuing with the (this year) 1,500 Miles to Nowhere challenge, courtesy of Marn, though I haven’t been posting the milestones here (or at the site). I’m probably going to fall short this year … I’ve gone almost 1100 miles, but have 410 miles left, 89 days to go, am averaging just under 4 miles per day but need to be doing 4.6. I suspect that my pedometer earlier in the year was underestimating, but, whatever — it’s something I’m tracking and doing, huzzah.
But next year, I might tackle things a little differently. The Eowyn Challenge site — originally set up leading up to the last LotR movie, offers some annotated “trips” you can track. Based on the work of Karen Wynn Fonstad, author of The Atlas of Middle Earth, you can do things like walk “with” the Hobbits from Bag End to Rivendell (458 miles). That could be kind of fun (“On This Day in My Walking …”)
I want to poke at the site a bit more at the end of the year, but it could be a pleasant way to track my ongoing walking habit.
Awesome, whether it’s 4 or 4.6 miles.
🙂 Thanks.