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Steve’s “Open Question” for this month: What magazines do you read? Do you subscribe, or pick them up at the store? Do you have favourites, or do you grab a…

Steve’s “Open Question” for this month:

What magazines do you read? Do you subscribe, or pick them up at the store? Do you have favourites, or do you grab a copy on a whim? How long do you keep the magazines? Are there magazines you flip through but would never admit to owning? (keep it clean, though [grin])

I subscribe to Smithsonian (some excellent historical and “natural history” articles) and Consumer Reports (I don’t always agree with them, and aren’t always interested in all of their subjects, but there’s almost always something I can find to read in there).  Oh, and Comic Buyers Guide (all about the comic book biz, historically and present), almost forgot that one.  I subscribe to them because if I waited until I remembered to pick them up at the store, I’d almost never get them.

I keep magazines … hmmmm … I’m an awful pack rat, but I am trying to get better.  All  the above get round-filed after reading.  Another reason I don’t subscribe to National Geographic.

Regarding magazines I’ll read when  pressed — say, at a doctor’s office — I get a guilty pleasure out of flipping through the inanity in People and Us.  I enjoy the news blurbiness of Time and Newsweek (but wouldn’t read them regularly enough if I subscribed to them). And, in a crunch, popular mechanics and science and even “housewife” magazines will make do.  Gotta have something to read, man


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