Because it’s been a while since I updated the list. I’m not going to review them because, well, the discovery is half the fun, and I’ve discussed most of them before anyway.
- Breakfast of the Gods
- Chainmail Bikini
- Ctrl+Alt+Del
- Dork Tower
- Dykes to Watch Out For
- For Better or For Worse*
- Full Frontal Nerdity**
- Foxtrot*
- Get Fuzzy*
- Girl Genius
- Irregular Webcomic
- Nodwick**
- Order of the Stick
- Penny-Arcade
- Pibgorn
- PvP
- Real Life Comics
- Shortpacked
- Zits*
* Available in Real Life, but who bothers?
** No RSS feed. Which seems positively antediluvian these days.
There’s a bunch of others I supposedly read via Comic Alert, but I need to see if I can find independent RSS feeds for them.
Okay, I *think* I’ve got the others worked around into nice, separate RSS feeds I can track … but I’m going to wait until the work a few days before publicizing them.