I was seriously considering, at the last moment, doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year. I had an idea, some scenes in mind, the interest — and then 1 November came and hit me over the head with a 4×12.
But then I ran across a reference to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month), which seems much simpler (at least for me): a blog post every day in the month of November.
I can do that! I thought. Indeed, it’s usually harder to find a day of the week I don’t post. Except — I’m already blown, as I didn’t post anything on Saturday the 2nd. Gah!
Oh, well.
If you do a quick back date post I won’t rat you out. 🙂
Heh. You live NaBloPoMo, Dave. I think you would have to up the ante to seven posts per day–or at least 1500 words, say–before I’d consider it a serious challenge.
Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking. A post-a-day is usually trivial, unless there’s just a plain ol’ scheduling issue.
Doing word counts would be tough, since I’d have to exclude block quotes. 🙂