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Weekend in Review, Week in Preview

Fridaywas relatively mellow.  I had a chance to play some solo CoH, then after Margie got home we headed downtown to meet BD at Domo. Saturday we were all…


was relatively mellow.  I had a chance to play some solo CoH, then after Margie got home we headed downtown to meet BD at Domo.

Saturday we were all up and running fairly early,  Margie went off to the store, while Katherine and I did a bunch of cleaning and pick-up around the house, finally getting all the Halloween bits out of the way and pulling out the limited Thanksgiving decor.  Wanted to get that done soon because … well, see below.

Katherine and I also practiced our karate katas a lot, just as the rest of the weekend. That’s because … well, see below.

In the evening, we went to our monthly parish progressive dinner party thang, “Hungry Flock.”  The house we were at had about 20-odd people in it, and, as usual, it was a nicely enjoyable time.  Katherine got her wish for a teenaged babysitter for once, Emily from up the street, and was well and truly out by the time we got home around 9:30.

Sunday, after the usual church-and-brunch, I headed over to Doyce’s for a new short-term Galactic game.  We had an abortive campaign  about a year ago, and it was a fair amount of fun.  It’s interesting how the rules (sort of in gamma test at the moment, it seems) have evolved (for the better, I think).  I cheated, since it was mostly new group, and rebuilt my previous character — but since the rules were revised and I didn’t consciously recreate her, it’s amusing the differences between them.  This day was chargen day, with the rest of the game to be shoe-horned in somehow between now and mid-December, and as we were working on a strict schedule, things got a bit rushed by the end, but it was still a good time.

The rest of the evening — highlighted by (a) a yummy garlic-sautéed shrimp-pasta dish Margie threw together, and (b) a haircut — was pleasantly calm. and enjoyable.

This week …

Monday is sort of the last-opportunity-to-get-anything-done-at-home day.

Tuesday is a normal work day, but in the evening I test for my orange belt at my karate class.  That would normally be done on Thursday, but …

Wednesday, I head down to Fort Worth for a Very Important but Still Somewhat Nebulous business trip.

Thursday I’m in meetings all day.  In the evening, Katherine tests for orange in karate (irked I won’t be there).

Friday I fly home from Fort Worth, then we hop in a car and head down to the Springs, where we’re meeting Jim and Ginger (who are driving out this year, as they are now both retired and can afford the time) and staying at a B&B with them a couple of nights.  Followed by a week’s “vacation” at home, include big Thanksgiving dinner and lots of interesting home improvement projects.

Busy, but presumably frequently enjoyable, times ahead.

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7 thoughts on “Weekend in Review, Week in Preview”

  1. Well, it was a lot of fun. The audience, which skewed older (30s to 50s, mostly), really enjoyed it.

    It started out with a documentary about (or a really long but entertaining commercial for) the newly enhanced episodes on DVD. Everybody laughed when the announcer promised that “for the first time in forty years, you’ll see a Gorn blink.” 🙂

    I pooh-poohed the versions with the CGI spaceships and effects when I heard about them, but after seeing this, I think I’ll have to check them out. They look darned nice, and I was probably just being a cantankerous old fuddy-duddy anyhow.

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