So, how did I do with last year’s resolutions for 2007?
Spend at least as much time with Kitten. Preferably more “quality time” — getting her involved with stuff at home, and being more involved in some of her other activities. She’s growing up into a fine young lady that I want to spend time with.
Well, something that was already in the works last year, but which came into fruition in 2007, was the whole karate thing. That’s been a lot of fun, and good exercise, but most importantly it’s something we’ve been able to share.
Beyond that — I keep trying. I’m going to call this a hit.
Keep the house in a bit more order — a bit tidier, pursue projects and maintenance a bit more diligently, etc. This is going to mean (gasp) maybe doing a bit less of other activities. These sorts of things work better as routine, so I need to figure out how to do that in a flexible fashion.
We finished up some big projects, but I don’t know that our overall “organization” has gotten any better. Gotta deem this a miss.
Write. Edit. Write. Yeah, yeah. Need to think of some good strategies here, though, that don’t involved Daily Stuff — because my Daily Stuff queue is pretty much full.
Near zilcho in the writing department. I’ve been hit-or-miss on the 100 Words stuff, and I set up a special blog to cover things, but it’s just been (despite a novel bubbling in the back of my brain) something I’ve simply not taken the time or energy to pursue. A disappointing miss.
Be fit. Keep the weight off, exercise more, and walk 1,500 miles to nowhere. Heck, how’s this — drop down to 185 by the end of the year. There’s an (un-)stretch goal for you! Or, more precisely, for me. But one I believe I can reach.
I actually hit my 1,500 miles to nowhere, and in the last few days of the year. After a very lackadaisical spring and summer, I (ahem) hit my stride and caught up with that.
I also seriously started exercising more (and stretching), via my karate class begun in February.
As to the weight …
Well, the good news is, I did actually get down to below 195 or so in March. The bad news is, I’ve not been at all diligent about tracking my weight, though still trying to maintain a modicum of good habits (but further hampered by losing my Geek Diet technical platform). Which means, my 31 December end-of-the-year weigh-in was …. 210 (approximately).
I’m going to call this a hit, if only because I feel like I’m more fit than I was, though I can also feel the pounds regaining.
And, lest I forget, this addendum resolution:
And, it should go without saying (but I say it nonetheless) that I resolve to be the bestest partner, lover, hubby and friend to Margie, the most wonderful woman in the world.
Well, I’ve certainly given that one the ol’ college try, and she keeps telling me I’m doing it, so I have to trust her (admittedly biased) judgment and call this a hit.
So — 3-2, in favor of hits (or even 2.5-2.5 if we split the Fitness one). That’s not too bad.
Now … what about next year …
New Year Resolutions – 2008!
So … some folks consider New Year Resolutions passé. And, certainly, there’s something to be said for “resolving” every day to do what’s right. And there’s something to be said…