DOF was kind enough to slap an E award on my blog — which looks to be pretty much a “this is a cool blog, go check it out, and, oh, by the way, tag-you’re-it” kind of viral thing.
Part of the terms of the “award” are, in fact, that I tag award ten other blogs with the coveted prize (not overlapping anyone else who’s gotten it, to my knowledge). I’m going to pass on doing that, and instead point at the contents of my blogroll to the side. Those are all fine sites (there’s a reason I put them there, duh), and all of them — Marn, WaiterRant, GeekPress, RLP, BD, etc. — which are bloggy deserve an “E.” Check them out.
I love Marn! 🙂
Stories of her Hosta Addiction, the Kitties, Squirrels of War, her Huband and her family are all wonderful and done with levels of humour that I wish I had.
Heck, Marn would be a reason enough for a road trip to Canuckastan!
And thanks for the “E” Dave. =D
Yup, that’s ‘zactly what it means with emphasis on ‘cool blog, go check it out’. And you have a good solution to point readers to your blogroll because I found it difficult to select just 10 from the list.
Well, since you’d already taken up two (your own and Les), it would have made it more difficult. And since today was quite … busy, it was the “easy” decision.
I’ve made a note to myself to check out the blogs you mention on your entry besides mine.
And you’re more than welcome, BD. 🙂