Katherine and I both had our tests for Green Belt (6th Kyu) on Thursday.
No idea whether one or the other or both of us will make it (and, if not, that just means we work harder toward the next test). But it was cool doing it — and cool prepping for it together.
Good luck on your belt test, and congratz on doing this with your daughter . . .that’s both very cool AND something I’m sure she’ll remember all her life.
Karate has be a great boon for my oldest son, helping him gain better control of his body at an awkward age and improving his self image. Good stuff!
Thanks. We should know the results Tuesday.
It *is* very cool that it’s something we do together. I actually see a number of other parent-child pairs in our dojo. It’s shared time, but it’s also a way for us to relate that’s not parent-child, which I think is useful. She always has good critiques of my form, and I try to pay special attention to her suggestions.
Re the picture choices — let’s just say that Katherine has a much more impressive kick than I do.