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April Showers

A soft, steady rain down at home as I started off this morning, turning a bit slushy as I got up to the office. All the ops folks in my…

A soft, steady rain down at home as I started off this morning, turning a bit slushy as I got up to the office.

All the ops folks in my wing are packing up to move to the other building this weekend. I have no idea when I am slated to move over there, as it’s a different floor and the move coordination is being handled with all the planning, coordination, and aplomb of a bunch of three-year-olds (with IT saving the day more often than not).

Someone I’ve worked with for many years — in fact, who I hired into the company — is shifting their base of operations to the downtown office we gained in the acquisition last year. And someone else I’ve known here for some time is, rather goofily, being made redundant by that same office/acquisition, so I’m busy trying to figure out if I have a position in my department for them.

Last night was Family Art Night down at Katherine’s school, with a (mostly) Asian Art theme. Katherine performed in a puppet play about the building of the Great Wall of China, and there were various calligraphy and painting projects, free food, Chinese dancers, dragon dancers (Katherine’s favorite), and some Ultimate Martial Arts guys who were as much dancers and Power Rangers as actual self-defense masters (no matter how many degrees of black belt they claimed or how high they kicked). Good fun for all.

We’re getting ready for some travel coming up. We’re off to New York in a week for Doyce and Kate’s wedding — we’ll be staying on a couple of days beyond so as to do some whirlwind touring (it’s my First Time). Jim and Ginger are coming out on Monday to stay for a couple of weeks, including taking care of Katherine while we’re gone; they have some fun touring plans, too.

While I’m glad that tomorrow’s Friday, Saturday Margie’s volunteered to do breakfast and lunch for 65 down at the church, Which we’ll be helping her with, of course.

A busy, unsettled, changing, promising time.

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