I am informed that the vaguely promised/bewarned move of my office to another office four a few doors down is, in fact, now On. As soon as I can do it (as there are folks Eagerly Waiting for My Space).
I have, of course, completely unpacked — but I kept all my boxes, just in case.
The new office has the advantage of being more amongst IT, and has Real Woodenish Furniture. It has less space for other furniture, but it will look nicer.
So it goes. As far as I know, this move is “permanent.”
After writing that — and taking advantages of some long phone calls — I managed to pack and get myself moved 95% over the balance of the afternoon, and the remaining 5% this morning. The very helpful facilities crew got my phone transferred, a replacement white board and two bulletin boards mounted, and my bookshelves moved with utter painlessness.
The particularly delicious irony of this is that word is that the two folks who were in this office and the neighboring one (into which our network admin moved) have changed their mind and want to move back downstairs. Which overheard conversation was followed a few minutes later by the previous occupant of my office poking his head in, saying hi (we know each other), and asking who was moving into my old office.
I thanked him for leaving the office so clean, and told him (laughingly, as in primate-bearing-his-teeth) he couldn’t have it back.
It sounds like you guys are playing musical offices!
Things at the office I’m in are a bit unsettled right now, as the groups here reorganize and align into the greater corporate collective. Thus, people moving around.