And some Christians wonder why they have such a bad reputation in some circles.
An unusual sight greeted Jerusalem police as they entered one of Christianity’s holiest sites Sunday morning: dozens of monks punching and kicking each other in a massive brawl.
Monks from the Greek Orthodox and Armenian denominations were preparing for a ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City when a disagreement led to a full-fledged fistfight. The fight began when Armenian clergy were holding a procession to commemorate the finding of the cross believed to have been used in the crucifixion of Jesus, according to The Associated Press.
The Greek members of the clergy wanted one of their monks present, the AP reported, for fear that the procession would undermine their claim to an ancient structure built on what is believed to be the tomb of Jesus.
The two sides could not agree, and when the Armenians tried to begin the procession, the Greek monks stepped in and the fighting began, the AP reported.
The fact that neither denomination is “mine” doesn’t make it any less scandalous (in the old sense of the word).
If Christians put half the effort into feeding the poor, clothing the naked, etc., that they put into being The Bestest and Most Righteous and Holiest Followers of Christ and We’ll Beat with a Stick Anyone Who Claims Otherwise, the world would be far better place (and, I daresay, there would be more Christians).
Why do I get the feeling that this fight wasn’t nearly as entertaining to watch as this fight between monks: