For once Keith Olbermann is softer-spoken about an issue than I am, turning his sarcastic bluster into rhetorically bewildered lack of understanding as to why people voted for Prop. 8.
Me? It’s still tough for me to speak of the matter in anything less than angry tones, even if I can write about it at a somewhat even keel.
It’s clear that there’s a story behind this commentary. Not that we’ll even know, which is just fine.
I’ve heard young people in general — including evangelicals — poll as much more accepting of gays than the previous generation.
I imagine that the movers and shakers of the religious right are scared to death of the future and want things locked into law Right Now. That’ll hold back the future, you betcha!
Demographically, I suspect we will have fully recognized marital rights for gays within 20 years.
I just don’t think it’s fair to ask them to wait until the population (literally) grows up.
Well, I really didn’t think I’d live to see a black president in the USA either so…