Jim and Ginger, Margie’s folks, were kind enough to suggest that maybe Margie and I might want to go off for an evening while they’re here. So Margie drew up some plans and we have a very pleasant evening away from the hustle and bustle.
We started off (after a drop-off by Jim) taking the train downtown, whence we walked to the Brown Palace, the golden lady of hotels in downtown Denver. We checked in, relaxed for a bit, then went for a walk around downtown with an eye toward where to have dinner, etc.
We returned to the hotel, relaxed a while longer, drank some wine, then went off to Marlowe’s, a steakhouse along the 16th Street Mall. In keeping with their sign, I had a martini, while Margie had a Scotch Old Fashioned. I had fillet, she had antelope. We eschewed dessert, but it was a very pleasant meal indeed.
We wandered across the street, picked up some chocolates and caramel popcorn at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, then caught an evening showing of Quantum of Solace. From there we wandered back to the hotel, had a few after-dinner drinks at the Ship Tavern, then headed back to our room, where we read for a while, then called it an evening.
This morning we woke up decadently late, showered, relaxed for a bit, then checked out and waited in the lobby for Jim and Ginger and Katherine to arrive. Then we went to the Sunday champagne brunch they have at the hotel, which is always a decadent marvel.
Then we headed home all together, relaxed and refreshed (and still bit tipsy), had a quiet, nappy Sunday afternoon, had hors d’oeuvres for dinner, and called it a night.
A nice evening, and a nice weekend, indeed. Especially being able to share it with Margie.
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