I’m a few days late with this, but it’s a fun enough meme it’s worth working it: Places (other than home) where I spent the night last year …
- Pasadena, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Geyserville, CA
- Oakland, CA
- Sacramento, CA
- Lake San Antonio, CA
- Villa Park, CA
- Westchester, NY
- New York City, NY
- Portland, OR
- Leiden, The Netherlands
- Mumbai, India
- Diverse points over Canada, the Atlantic Ocean, and Central Asia
(via Michael)
My list is much shorter; MrsDoF and I spent a couple nights in Hannibal, Missouri in November. Oh wait, that was in Ought-Seven. Maybe we should try to get out more…
Well, to be fair, several of the above are from business trips, and one whirlwind vacation swept up a number of the others.