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Send in the Lions!

Christians are indeed persecuted — in a lot of countries that aren’t the US. China, for example. And pretty much any Islamic country in the Middle East. I mean, we’re…

Christians are indeed persecuted — in a lot of countries that aren’t the US. China, for example. And pretty much any Islamic country in the Middle East. I mean, we’re talking here about real jail-time-and-stoning sorts of persecution, compared to which the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission’s list of “Top Ten Instances of Christian Bashing in America, 2008” is like a four-year-old’s tantrum about not getting all the candy in the bowl.

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (CADC) has prepared a Top Ten list of the most egregious acts of Christian Bashing in American in 2008. Every day in America serious Christians face increasing hostility at work, school, and in the culture because they stand for their faith and values.

No, they are facing increasing (but still minimal, in a country that is still vastly majority Christian) hostility, not because they “stand for their faith and values” but because they insist on imposing that faith and values on others — and, in fact, being hostile toward non-Christians, ridiculing and/or demonizing their beliefs, and questioning whether they can be decent Americans.

As card-carrying Christian (though see below), I do encounter some folks who are rude to faith — but that’s largely because they lump me in with the sort of “serious” Christians who would be just as happy seeing them in the auto-de-fe as tolerating them in a pluralistic society. When Dobson or Robertson or Hagee or their ilk speak as Christians, it’s not just non-Christians who are hurt and oppressed, but Christians who think Dobson and Robertson and Hagree are idjits but who get tarred with the same brush as them. I am “bashed” far more by these Christianists than by the majority of non-Christians I encounter.

“It is time for the Christian bashing to stop and for Christians to no longer be treated like second-class citizens,” said Dr. Gary Cass, Chairman and CEO of CADC.

How many non-Christians are there in Congress? A few Jews, maybe a few Buddhists, one Muslim (who can tell you something about treated as a second-class citizen when all those “serious” Christians had a cow over his taking the oath of office on the Koran), one Atheist I believe. The rest are, I believe, avowed Christians. 

How many non-Christian presidents have there been? Right, none. (Though, see below.)

Hardly “second-class citizenship.”

“Anti-Christian bigotry is real and growing. Those who engage in it should be exposed and called to account.”


I think bigotry of all sorts — including that by Christians — should be exposed and called to account.

The article’s Top Ten is really pretty lame. Satire by Jack Black. An insult toward the Pope by Bill Maher. A sportscaster taking the Lord’s name in vain (for which he was suspended, I note). PZ Meyers’ tasteless desecration of the Host. Bill Maher (again) and his movie Religulous. The Virginia police chaplains who were fired because they insisted on praying “in Jesus name” in their official capacity at public gatherings. The goofy “Colorado SB200 Criminalizes the Bible” meme (funny, nobody’s swung by my house to gather up my Bibles). Attacks on Sarah Palin as a Christian. 

So for the most part what we have is folks making fun of “serious” Christians (who are far too Holy to be Mocked), some continuing debates over the separation of Church and State, and some folks being rude. Wow. Hold me, Mommy! I mean, this is all pretty weak beer compared to your classic Christian Martyrdom — being broken on the wheel, being thrown to the lions, being crucified upside down. Of course, once in power, Christians felt free to do the same to their opponents (internal and external) — but maybe that’s “bashing” to mention it. Similarly, it’s trivial compared to societies where Christians are actually persecuted, thrown in jail for expressing their faith aloud or trying to share it with others (or converting to the Christian faith from a different one). 

The two most amusing (or maddening, if you can’t bring yourself to laugh) “bashings” of 2008 are:

INSTANCE #3: Barack Obama Defames Christianity  

According to research into President Elect Obama’s own statements about faith, and an examination of Obama’s position on moral issues, CADC has determined that by any biblical and historic Christian standard, Barack Obama is not a Christian, although he claims he is a “devout Christian.”


Yes, that’s right — Barack Obama is “bashing” Christianity, “defaming” it … by claiming to be a Christian! Diabolical! He’s clearly seeking second-class status for himself (as President!) so as to impose second-class status on all Christians, right? It all makes perfect, evil, twisted sense!

By the way, this resolves the question as to why, as a Christian, I don’t feel like I’m being bashed. The CADC wouldn’t consider me a Christian, either (for most of the reasons it rejects Obama). 

But, really, what a deal! Isn’t it great when you get to publicly declare who’s a Real True Follower of Christ and who isn’t? I mean, what a rush! Do they have a special Jesus-meter that they use for that?  Or is there some magical mark that is only visible to True Christians(TM) that designates the sheep from the goats?

And …

INSTANCE #1: Radical Homosexuals Assault Prop 8 Marriage Supporters in California  

During and after the November campaign stories flooded in of pro-Prop 8 signs being taken, people verbally and physically assaulted, church property and private automobiles vandalized, and person’s jobs and pastor’s lives threatened simply for exercising their right to campaign and vote in support of traditional marriage.


Yes! How dare all those gays whose marriages and lives were “bashed” by Prop 8 in turn “bash” good, honest, gay-bashing Christians? How dare those people who the True Christians(TM) have declared to be second-class citizens treat the True Christians(TM) as second-class citizens, too! The nerve!

Of course, True Christians(TM) ought to be actually welcoming persecution, rather than petulantly bitching about it.

11 Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: 12 Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.
— Matthew 5:11-12

See? Bill Maher is actually doing you a favor. Rather than calling for a stop to “hostility,” these True Christians(TM) ought to be trying to increase it, by doing everything they can to be obnoxiously righteous and dismissive of the morality and humanity of those they don’t count among their number.

Oh, wait. They already are.

(via Pharyngula)

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One thought on “Send in the Lions!”

  1. To fanatics, of any sort, if people who disagree with them have rights and can go about their business unmolested — that’s persecution.

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