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Good Earth

I love the Good Earth “Original” tea, its “sweet & spicy” tea/herb blend. I have four or five boxes here, and just cycled from one to the other. And ……

I love the Good Earth “Original” tea, its “sweet & spicy” tea/herb blend. I have four or five boxes here, and just cycled from one to the other.

And … they’re different.

Box A is a 25-pack, with an expiry date of 24SEP10. Box B is an 18-pack with an expiry of 29SEP10.

Ingredients, though, are different. Both have Black Tea as the #1, and starting with #4 it’s the same stuff and order (Cinnamon, Chamomile, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Papaya, Jasmine Tea, Anise Seed, Ginger Root, Orange Peel, and Orange Oil).

For A, the #2 and 3 are: Rosehips, Natural Flavor
For B, the #2 and 3 are: Artificial Flavor, Rosehips

There are no other easy distinguishers between the two. Box A does include, though, the label “Rich All Natural Flavor,” which Box B does not, obviously. (The Box B teabag wrappers aren’t printed quite as well, either.) The side notes are the same, except A says “Naturally sweet, with no added sugar, honest,” while B says, “Deliciously sweet, with no added sugar, honest.”

So … vast conspiracy? Selling out to the Man? A scandal ready to rock the Good Earth to its knees?

(Interestingly, though Good Earth is headquartered in Santa Cruz, CA, it’s a TATA Enterprise, which is the big India-based conglomerate.)

Then … a bit of research gives us this Good Earth FAQ:

What is the difference between the All Natural and the Artificial Flavored Good Earth Original Tea?

The all-natural flavors bring out a more pronounced anise note to the tea and is made for the specialty and health food markets. The packaging has an “All Natural – Rich Flavor” stamp, as you see below.

Why do some Good Earth teas have artificial flavors?

We believe strongly in using natural ingredients whenever possible. All our flavors are available in all natural or organic formulations.

All new products that we develop are, either, all natural or certified organic.

However, a few of our oldest blends do contain an artificial flavor. This is due to consumer demand. We offer all natural alternatives of these blends. Due to the bolder taste, some customers prefer the version that contains an artificial flavor.

Our teas do not contain MSG, gluten, natural or artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

What is the artificial ingredient in the Original Sweet and Spicy Tea?

There is only one artificial ingredient in used in our Sweet and Spicy tea in order to provide a stronger, bolder flavor. The artificial flavor is an artificial spice flavor, since it does help provide a unique flavor, we keep the details proprietary. Please contact our customer service department for questions on specific medical concerns. Our Original Sweet and Spicy blend is also available in both All Natural and Organic versions.

So maybe not quite so conspiratorial.  I know that Good Earth has a separate Organic blend (which I think I’ve commented on before, and which I don’t like nearly as well). I guess they have an All Natural vs Not Quite All Natural distinction, too, though it is very difficult to tell the diff by just glancing at the box. And I almost certainly bought the boxes either at different stores or even between the “tea” and “health food” sections of my local Safeway.

And, of course, now I need to think about doing a taste test. Maybe tomorrow morning …

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2 thoughts on “Good Earth”

  1. Thank you for this blog. I love this tea also. I was wondering if you have found out exactly what the “natural flavor“ in the sweet and spicy caffeine free herbal tea consists of?

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