Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- China’s success at erasing history:
- Leahy: Sotomayor Hearings Will Come Earlier If Racially Charged Smears Continue: Brian Beutler
- Yemeni Gitmo Detainee Allegedly Dies Of Suicide: The Huffington Post News Team
- District Court Rules on a Graduation Speech About Jesus: Hemant Mehta
- Superhero Decadence: The Headquarters – The JL Watchtower did have a few strategic reasons for being on the moon rather than previous JL HQs (an orbiting satellite for most of their existence, which was an upgrade from a cave). But the biggest problem with a superhero HQ/lair is that drama demands it be attacked frequently, if not regularly demolished. (The same fate befalls relatives, too.)
- Drake: Tiller’s Murder “An Answer to Prayer” – Wow. And people wonder why Christians are seen as “the bad guys.”
- Woman Sprayed With Pesticide Can’t Get List Of Chemicals Because They’re A Trade Secret [Trade Secrets] – If this were a workplace in most states, they would at least have to have posted hazardous materials data sheets. Apparently if you’re just a civvie caught in the cross-fire, you’re (literally) hosed.
- Ellen Snortland and Gavin de Becker: Rites of Spring – One reason we have Katherine in karate — but she could use a good “down and dirty” self-defense course, too.
- Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads [Downloads] – I either use these or know good things about them. Recommended.
- Obama Administration Files Petition To Block Uighurs From Entering U.S., Praises Gitmo Conditions – “You break ’em, you buy ’em” has an analogy here: “You detain ’em unjustifiably, you give ’em a home.”
- Former Klansman David Duke Rips Limbaugh For ‘KKK’ Comparison, Says Sotomayor Is The Racist – I do enjoy watching the fringe Right get worked up in a lather at each other.
- Manuel Miranda Makes Republican Enemies: Kyle
- Zombie haiku contest winner! – Nice.
- Obama Supports New Law to Suppress Detainee Torture Photos – “What kind of a country passes a law that has no purpose other than to empower its leader to suppress evidence of the torture it inflicted on people?” I understand the reasoning. It’s still wrong. Secrecy corrupts. And the longer it’s kept hidden, the worse it will be.
- What plagiarism looks like – Yup. Sure looks like it to me.
- Whipping a Classic Miracle – I don’t care for Miracle Whip (or Mayo, either — greasy white food lubricants aren’t my cuppa), but the new branding is quite nice.
- [Guest Post by leguru] Primary School Gay Curriculum – So “teaching people not to bully others over stereotypes” is seen as “promoting homosexuality.” Yeesh.
- #523; In which Vince achieves Victory – VICTORY! Yeah, I yell that sometimes. 🙂
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