What’s done:
- Munchies and caffeinated beverages bought.
- Office cleared up.
- Music imported to new laptop.
- Graphic novels and trade paperbacks gathered, sorted alphabetically, at the ready.
- Book I’m planning on reviewing finished.
- Ideas for variety of posts recorded.
What’s left:
- Finish this week’s comics.
- Sort recently read comics; get them upstairs.
- Move the laptop upstairs.
- Get a good night’s sleep.
- Finish post on final prep (should be done by the time you read this).
Just about ready to roll …
You can pledge for the Denver Dumb Friends League any time through the end of the Blogathon. I’m currently at $421.57; I’d love to break $500 before we’re through. Pledge $25 or more and you’ll win a prize! Please consider if you can give something to a very worthy cause.
wow you’ve raised almost $500 already! That’s so awesome! I need to start prepping too! So exciting! It’s like a bloggers slumber party!
Only, one hopes, without any slumbering!
Per ‘Thon suggestions, I’m disabling the reCAPTCHA here at the site until Sunday. That should make it easier for folks to comment. ( http://bit.ly/PjCEa ) Akismet should be able to pick up the slack in the meantime.
Thanks for the comment! Those of us blogging for animals will have to keep a special watch on each other tomorrow. Good luck to you as well!