Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE — FUTURAMA IS SAVED – Topless Robot – – Huzzah! (Even though I don’t watch the show much.)
- Kawaii! – Ferretcam! TEH CUTEZ!!!! (Scroll down)
- Republicans Reveal Their Hypocrisy On Health Care, Refuse To Support Bill To Kill Government-Run Medicare – Very, very, very nice. Can we turn this into a meme?
- Giuliani Hopes For No Health Care Reform, Says Those Making ‘$250k Or More’ Are ‘Struggling’ – Oh, pity the “little people” who are struggling so … you know, the ones making around $250K … so … sad …
- NAACP-Forgery Group, Bonner & Associates, Has A Decades-Long History Of Astroturf Tactics – Um … doesn’t a pattern of misbehavior provide some basis for, oh, I don’t know, suing their asses off?
- The birth of a regional rump party – The disenfranchisement shoe is on the other foot, but it’s still pretty ugly.
- Think Progress » Fired U.S. attorney Daniel Bogden is re-nominated by Obama for his former position. – Excellent! Take that, Karl Rove!
- James D. Griffioen’s photos of Detroit, “the disappearing city” – It’s like a Post-Apolcalyptic Picture Book.
- Over 1 billion served: Firefox passes download milestone – Ars Technica – Ding! Grats!
- Mayhill Fowler: End-of-Life Decisions: Medicare Is Already in the Room – It’s typical of the fear around death — and the FUD being churned up by health care reform opponents — that offering a restricted service is being spun into Evil Government Demands. Yeesh.
- I Quit The iPhone – Interesting. As an ecosystem of interconnected applications and hardware grows, highly proprietary (and restrictive) solutions will face competitive disadvantages, even if they are spiffy unto themselves. Imagine if that great car you love could only be filled up at Shell stations, and required special tires you could only buy at the dealership. No matter how many cup holders and gewgaws it had, very few people would buy it.
- An Unusual Police Chase – Heh.
- Teaching Your Kid To Lie For Fun And Profit [Parents] – Um … no. There are times when lying is practically necessary, and times when it’s morally defensible, but these cases fall easily into the “Lie to cheat” category, which is not only wrong per se but sends a horrible lesson to the kid (which lesson will no doubt bite said parents in the ass some day).
- Are you a firstblocker or a lastblocker? – I’m about a thirdblocker. I don’t want to be bleeding edge, and I’m aware that prices drop per feature over time … but I do like my toys.
- BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Maps reveal Venice ‘forerunner’ – Very, very cool.
- acna’s murderous human resources policy exposed. bishop accused of orderingkidnapping and assassination – Not surprisingly, a culture where temporal power is often abused and corrupt finds ecclesiastical power similarly tainted. This reads like something straight out of the old Medieval “princes of the church” scandals. And these are the folks lecturing the Episcopal Church on its moral and Biblical standards …
- Giant Green Tentacles Attack Buildings from the Inside [Concept Art] – These are great.
- FreeRangeKids – Eek! Danger! Must hide! Get the kids! Run indoors! No, wait, radon! Run outside! No, wait, dead birds! Eek!
- More Outrage! English Schools Ban Ties For Fear of Choking « FreeRangeKids – And no more wands at Hogwarts, either! You could fall down and poke out an eye with one of those things!
- Clear Channel not interested in hiring Sarah Palin. – I have little doubt she will be a smash hit on the speech circuit. She can certainly “hold forth” for an hour. Yes, three might be stretching it a bit.
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Well, after out bidding itself for the services of Limbaugh to the tune of $400 million, and laying off half of it’s staff to do so, I am guessing that Clear Channel doesn’t have the cash dollars to pay her what she thinks she is worth.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but Limbaugh, for all his frothing, is a more coherent commentator who can actually fill three hours. I don’t think Palin could, and you can’t really show recreational wolf hunting on the radio.