- Good News: Late night working on critical deliverables for morning aborted by dearth of input from parties. Bad News: Bodes ill for morning. #
- Bad day a-coming. Budgets (over)due. Business proposal due. Critical phonecons a-plenty. Also, likely mildew (http://tinyurl.com/konhqv). #
- OTOH, off to see Rev. Bonnie installed as Rector at St Paul's, Ft Collins tonight. Bad timing, but a faboo reason to celebrate. #
- I seem to be relying today on phone calls that run under their allotted time to get anything done. Crazyness. #
- That cat has taken to sitting by the fridge lately, though not fed from there. Does she know about something under there that we don't? #
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Which Kitteh?
Mist “The Cat”, or Mimi “The Cat”?
It’s Mimi, as opposed to Indy. (If Mist is in the kitchen, I’m not ectoplasmically aware enough to notice.)