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Thirty-something truths

A (clearly FaceBook-facing) quiz from DaveO … 

  1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
    A bite of fresh salad Margie just made up from the organic vegies delivered to her office. Yum.
  2. Where was your profile picture taken?
    On the Brooklyn Bridge, looking back toward Manhattan.
  3. Can you play Guitar Hero?
    Only if I go to someone else’s house.
  4. Name someone who made you laugh today?
    My daughter, who is learning to engage in witty repartee.
  5. How late did you stay up last night and why?
    About 12:15a, playing Champs Online and unwinding after the Brew at the Zoo.
  6. If you could move somewhere else, would you?
    Without some further incentive, no.
  7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
    Probably, but not memorably.
  8. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
    Outside of the immediate household? Doyce and Kate.
  9. Do you believe exes can be friends?
    Rarely, but levels of friendship are possible.
  10. How do you feel about Dr. Pepper?
    It beats dying of thirst.
  11. When was the last time you cried really hard?
    I don’t recall. I got a bit teary watching Return of the King this afternoon (when Sam picks Frodo up on the slope of Mt Doom).
  12. Who took your profile picture?
  13. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
    Margie, last night at the Zoo (Jackie took it).
  14. Was yesterday better than today?
    All told, so far, yes.
  15. Can you live a day without TV?
    Yes. Actually I do so amazingly frequently.
  16. Are you upset about anything?
    The current political brouhaha in Washington is causing me fits (for a variety of reasons, of late), but that’s pretty much it.
  17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
  18. Are you a bad influence?
    Only in a good way.
  19. Night out or night in?
    Usually in, but an occasional night out (for dinner) is nice.
  20. What items could you not go without during the day?
  21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
    Don’t recall.
  22. What does the last text message in your inbox say?
    Something from “Remember the Milk” reminding me to remember something.
  23. How do you feel about your life right now?
    I have it extremely lucky, all told. There are areas I could ask for improvement, but a loit of areas I realize how very well off I am.
  24. Do you hate anyone?
    There are people I dislike a lot. There are people I wish would be hospitalized for a rare but non-life-threatening disease for a few years. There are people who infuriate me. There are people who I wish very long and painful deaths on (or, I suppose, very short and immediate deaths, followed by anticipated summary Judgment). There are people … well, there’s nobody I know who I would say I hate.
  25. If we were to look in your Facebook inbox, what would we find?
    Lots of invitations to play FB games that I’m not likely to play.
  26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?
    Not sure what my blood alcohol would show, but aside from that I’m definitely clean.
  27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
    I’ve been told by someone I’m perfect for them, but I am not (nor do I want to be considered) perfect in general.
  28. What song is stuck in your head?
    “Where Has Everybody Gone?” by the Pretenders.
  29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 AM, who do you want it to be?
    Um … a Green Lantern ring, telling me I’m hired?
  30. Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50?
    Given the (cough) proximity to that milestone, definitely not.
  31. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
    Go to church, most likely.
  32. Do you think too much or too little?
    Probably too much.
  33. Do you smile a lot?
    I continue to trying to smile more. Smiling releases endorphins, or something like that.
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2 thoughts on “Thirty-something truths”

  1. INT: BEDROOM. It is dark, with pale moonlight falling on the desk beneath the window. The digital clock shows 2:00. A faint tapping at the window grows louder, until the bearded man in the bed switches on the light. A ring is floating in the air outside the window.

    VOICE OVER (echo): David Hill, you have the ability to inspire great fear in others.

    DAVE: Well, crap.

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