- Working at home again, juggling urgent car service, x-ray routing for Indy, and general brouhaha. For once, not glad week is half-over. #
- Yes, we have some suggestions. Away fr the house at the moment. Search PLUMBER on my blog? #
- Alternately, troubleshooter.com for refs. #
- Hmmm – did I say that with my outside voice, instead of direct messages? Why, yes, I did. #
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So, how are Kitten and Indy doing?
Thanks for asking.
Kitten is back at school, though not yet back at karate. She seems to be doing well.
Indy is still struggling. We ran the x-rays over to a radiologist at another hospital, who then consulted back to our vet. It now looks like he may have a herniated disk elsewhere in the back, which is part of his problem, of course. Of more concern is he’s still not pooping, despite various other measures, so he gets to go in tomorrow for a thorough flushing and different meds.
At this point, priority is on making sure he’s comfortable and any pain he has is managed. I don’t see, should that be the answer for actual resolution, any sort of spinal surgery for a 14-year-old cat.
Aside from that, he’s in pretty good spirits. He REALLY wants to go outside, and even hopped up on the desk in the craft room in order to sit in the windowsill. He’s been very much the hold-me-on-your-shoulder sort of cat, has an appetite, and is doing pretty well except for when he has to get up from reclining or twist or when he missteps.
On a different subject…
You’re It.
Consider it It-ed.
Glad to here that the HK humans are all doing better, and I hope that Indy Kitty is all fixed up soon.