I’ve joked previously about the Vast DDtB Publishing Empire. I finally got around to creating this diagram of it (click for the full size version).
Certain elements are highly abstracted — “My Blogs,” for example. The point was to show the intricate interplay between my PC and Blackberry (and their browsers and GMail) and my blogs, Google Reader, Twitter, and Facebook — most specifically, how doing something on one of them can ripple through several others. This is by design, since I bloody hate cross-posting stuff, but it is something I have to bear in mind whenever I post something somewhere.
The diagram also shows some gaps; Facebook really doesn’t play well with others, for example. Which is one reason I don’t use it a lot, though I know a lot of my readers do.
I’ve listed the tools involved in each of the arrows if not obvious; the function where it is. Details available upon request. Some of the tools involved have changed pretty frequently; if I’d made this drawing only a month ago, some of tools would e quite different.
Poland must be looking at you nevously- “I just need room for my blogs”.
Me, I just sit at a keyboard and type.
Eine bische Blogensraum …