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A really big shew

Last night we had a “Talent Show Dinner” down at Good Shepherd– which turned into quite an extravaganza, pulling in about 140 people, which was about twice as many as I thought would attend.

I got to MC the affair for the most part, which was fun, if a bit challenging (as I’m generally awful with names), and we had a karaoke contest, a talent show, some professional singing, and a bit of joke telling.

I regaled the crowd with a rendition of Tom Lehrer’s Irish Ballad, which was well-received (even among those who’d never heard of Tom Lehrer (egad!).

We also started out with a spaghetti sauce competition, which I oversaw, and which Margie judged in. Fun.

My only regret of the evening was that it ran long enough that only a few people chose to avail themselves of telling the jokes I’d collected for people to tell.

A fun time for all in attendance.

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4 thoughts on “A really big shew”

  1. Have you ever poisoned pigeons in the park, or danced the masochisim tango? Just make sure you don’t end up with a complex complex.

  2. Yeah, we kinda figured those three were a bit too dark for a church talent show … 😉

    I did have more than one person come up to me after the evening was done, or at church this morning, and comment on how much the loved the Tom Lehrer, and how many other songs of his it reminded them of (“Lobachevsky” seems to be particular popular).

  3. I first read this post title as “A really big shrew.” Like the ones in LotRO, perhaps.

    I didn’t recall ever hearing that Lehrer song until I listened to the link you provided. You don’t think that a woman murdering her family is as dark as poisoning pigeons? Perhaps it as well that members of your family learn this about you.

    Personally, I think you should have gone with “The Elements.” 🙂

    That picture of Tom Lehrer is one I had not seen before. He has Osborn hair!

    The link about jokes is actually to a spaghetti sauce judging form. Confusing.

  4. I can see where that would be confusing. I blame the zombie flu.

    The proper link (which I will also correct above) is

    I intentionally declined using The Elements. I had no desire to memorize it. 🙂

    I do see your point about familiar murder being just as dark as killing wildlife (a category that also led me to eschew The Hunting Song (“Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow”)). I’m not sure I can articulate why it *feels* different in scope.

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