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Playing catch-up

Mary headed home yesterday evening. It was nice seeing her again, even if I turned into an anti-social troll for most of Sunday.

Oh, Sunday! Yeah, the cool thing Sunday was that Katherine had her inaugural run as an acolyte at church Sunday morning. Had a number of people (many more than I expected) come up and complement me and her on doing a good job, accomplishing her tasks, not burning the church down, etc. She later opined that she really liked doing it.

Sunday night was, post-very-long-week and somewhat-hectic-weekend, a very quiet, calm evening. Read a bit, watched some TV, got to bed at a decent hour. Huzzah.

Today’s shaping up to be a real PitA, as all my available time during the day has evaporated. This is a short week, and there’s a ton of stuff going on, both leftovers from last week plus new and exciting and “interesting” things. Plus a bunch of folks are on PTO (vacation).

Looking forward to Thanksgiving, where it sounds like we’re going to have a decent turn-out of guests. All we need to do now is get the dining room habitable again.

Flipping the calendar, I have a (gasp) business trip basically all next week out in California. Actual sitting-in-meetings-all-day stuff, which is not nearly as much fun as it sounds, but it’s useful stuff, and my being there will let me hook up in person with some of my clients about changes in the organization. Plus, since I won’t be going into the office while out for the Christmas holidays, it makes up a bit for that, too.

Unfortunately, that’s going to make having a laptop without a working backlight a serious pain.

Overall forecast: sunny with intermittent gusts of Category 3 winds.

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