Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- United States Color-coded War Plans – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Idle hands are the Joint Chiefs planning committees. No, but seriously, it’s not at all surprising that this sort of planning went on (and, of course, goes on to our day). Though some would argue that by planning for war you make war more likely, conversely if war is pressed upon you nobody wants to hear that we’re unprepared and have no plans …
- The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot – Just in case you’ve got a lot of free time on your hands …
- Efforts to End DADT Stalled in Key Senate Committee | People For the American Way Blog – sigh
- Microsoft Wishing to Pay Publishers to Block Googlebot? – Wow. Classy move on MS’s part. Not particularly illegal, I guess, but clearly the love of profit trumps the freedom of information.
- Eric Hananoki: Fox News’ media critic claims Obama’s bow offended “a lot of people” – own poll disagrees – Will Scott get the zero tolerance treatment, too, from Fox management?
- In wake of misleading Palin footage, Fox News institutes ‘zero tolerance for on-screen errors.’ – So the poor schmucks back in the production room get warning letters and dismissals … and when the “news” folks (let alone the commentators) make patently false statements, will they, too, face “zero tolerance” from Fox?
- Fox Apologizes For NBA Announcers’ Controversial Comments About Iranian Player: Ben Armbruster
- You Can Go with This, or You Can Go with That… – But — but — military interventionism is full of flag-waving statesmen and rock-jawed patriotic heroes! Health care reform is full of policy wonks and SOCIALISTS!
- Drake Lifts Call For Prayers For Obama’s Death – Ewwww. A nice glimpse at the violent / racist / lunatic underside of the Right Wing … which continues to bubble up to the legitimate surface.
- Is this the end for human space flight? – opinion – 20 November 2009 – New Scientist – The first article speaks to my fears and cynicism … the second to my aspirations. I hope the latter wins.
- US bets $150m on high-risk renewable energy – tech – 23 November 2009 – New Scientist – No doubt we’re going to see a lot of money “wasted” here — but that’s just the sort of thing that government is good for (no jokes, please): making investments that may not actually pay off. If one or two of these bets become feasible, they will more than pay for the overall investment.
- Happy Doctor Who Day! – And if anyone had suggested that 46 years later it would still be wildly popular, everyone at the Beeb would have laughted uproariously.
- 9/11 Defendants To Plead Not Guilty So As To Critique US Foreign Policy – Well, there’s a big duh moment. I don’t think anyone is going to be impressed by anything these guys have to say on the stand — but a lot of people may be impressed that we give them due process, and convict them as criminals.
- Do Moderate Dem Senators Recognize Urgency Of Need For Reform? – I sure hope so. It’s not so much the fiddling they’re doing while Rome burns, as the aid and comfort they’ve giving to HCR opponents and their campaign to terrify America into supporting the current for-profit system.
- The Manhattan Martyrdom Declaration: Dobson Vows To Leave America – Wow — it would almost be worth it to have his nonsensical paranoia come true if it would actually get him to leave the country.
- Warren Ellis » T-Shirt Of The Week #005: HEALTH – Heh. Seriously tempted to get this one.
- Planning for a million years – Fascinating work. How do you plan for a million years?
- Melting Arctic: Forget polar bears, worry about humans – opinion – 23 November 2009 – New Scientist – I have no doubt that too many people in power believe they (or their heirs, if they look that far forward) will be able to exploit and profit from the changes in climate in the years ahead.
- Bell’s telegraph killer – The more things change …
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