Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Hospital Workers Fired Over Vaccination : Greg Laden’s Blog – I applaud Children’s Hospital of Philly for taking a positive step to protect their patients. If someone claimed their religious faith or their disbelief in germ theory meant that they shouldn’t have to wash their hands, nobody would question that they were unsafe to have around patients. This is very much the same thing.
- Does Religious Faith Instill Hatred & Distrust of Science? : 40 Year Old Atheist – “You don’t necessarily have to abandon your belief in God to accept what science has to offer. All you have to do is adjust your faith. Not every Christian believes every word of their faith so why should you? It’s worth mentioning that there are many varieties of Christian faith that do not clash violently with science. It’s also worth mentioning that the Christian faith has been evolving for over 2000 years, so any adjustment you might make to your faith would be done in good company.” Indeed.
- Impressions of Islam – A large part of this is ignorance, slathered with fear-mongering from those who seek control and those who want their particular faith to “win.” All of this has been aided and abetted by some very vocal and (thanks to our media) visible Muslims who have been, frankly, just the sort of folks you should be fearful of. Toss in a soupcon of colonialism, OPEC, pro-Israel sentiment, and you get a pretty awful mess. On the other hand, given the current jurisprudence regarding religious construction in the US, it would be a difficult sell to get a minaret ban past religious freedom laws (though I’m sure some folks would love to try).
- Op-Ed Columnist – May It All Come True – – If we’re going to be in Afghanistan, we need to be there to “win” — which doesn’t and can’t be through an occupation and exerting maximum force on behalf of a government (“democratic” or not) that holds no loyalty amongst the people. We can’t bomb our way to victory in Afghanistan. And if the Soviets and the Brits — with a far more solid political base for empire than the US can ever have — couldn’t do it. those on the Right who argue that should be our course are either being disingenuous or batty.
- Threats Against Obama Spiked Early – – (Shakes head sadly.)
- THE TALL TALE OF FLIGHT 297 – The Washington Monthly – Remarkable. And scandalous. Remember this next time it hits your mail inbox, and let the person who sent it know the truth.
- Pam’s House Blend:: Andrew Sullivan joins LGF’s Charles Johnson in kissing off the current ‘conservative’ movement – I’ve no doubt many on the Right are not at all sorry to see Sullivan reject them outright (as he’s rejected several of their talking points). But the item by item denunciation here is damning, because it appears to be precisely what the conservative movement is, in fact, about. Check out their Purity Test, for one.
- “All we are saying…” – I think the peaceful route should always be considered — openly, without cynicism or fearmongering. It’s risky — but the benefits should be considered alongside the risk. The real dangers are not those who consider peace, but those who only think of aggression and dominance.
- 60 Awesome aerial photographs around the world – Gorgeous.
- Kludge Spot: 20 Things I Learned From The Internet – There are times I deeply regret that I didn’t have the Internet to play in when I was growing up. There are other times I think that’s probably just as well.
- What Do You Do When Printers Cost Less Than Ink? – A ridiculous situation — and all too realistic in a world where that’s precisely how they price these things.
- BBC News – Rift flares after US Episcopal Church elects gay bishop – I’m sorry if this action within the Episcopal Church causes some tensions. But the fact the Anglican Communion and elements in the Episcopal Church are more concerned that an (openly) gay woman would be elected a bishop than that the Church of Uganda is actively supporting legislation there that would imprison or execute gays and anyone who speaks out for them says the world to me about where their priorities are.
- Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles elects openly gay bishop | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times – Or, more accurately, a highly-thought-of candidate for bishop who happens to be gay. Well done.
- BB: BigBlunder – There is a serious chance that I might be taking the iPhone plunge in the future. I have been generally okay with my BB, but …
41 view(s)
Dave? Unless you are buying a large format plotter/printer, a new printer always costs less then a new ink cartridge(s).
That’s not been my experience — but I’ve usually shied away from low-end printers, esp. color inkjets.
Re: aerial pics
Need more info.
Where are they? In some cases, what are they?
Agreed. I recognize some of them, and have an idea about most of them, but there are a few I’d like to know more about.