- Pain is exhausting — whether yours, or someone you're supporting. #
- Below freaking zero here. Jeez. Stepping outside is like a sudden blow of COLD. #
- Just heard from Margie — they're taking her down to pre-op. On schedule. Any positive thoughts / prayers / etc. sent her way are welcomed. #
- Off to the hospital, ta-roo-ta-ray … #
- At the hospital. The room is big and empty w/o Margie's bed in it. Should return in 30-120 min. I'll be waiting for her. #
- She's on her way back up to her room. Yay! #
- Back in her room! Smiling, slurred speech, Happy Button, all's well. Might even go home today! #
- And she gets to order food, wonderful food, too! Woot! #
- Margie is on various pain meds, which are making her amusingly loopy, but not very food retentive. #
- PT lady is here, helping M with crutches. Getting a ref for a rental place I can get one of those keen kneeling walker thingies. #
- Woot! Margie is released to go home. Picking her up at 7! #
- Off to pick up Margie from the hospital, ta-roo-ta-ray … #
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