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Programming my Comcast DVR remote to skip forward 30 seconds

comcast-remoteI know that I tried this back in the day when I originally got our Comcast DVR and it didn’t work … largely because we had an AT&T 200 remote, I think … but we’ve had the remote replaced / changed at least once since then, and, trying it again, hey-presto …

I have a skip 30 seconds button! Woot!

The instructions (for my current remote) are:

  1. Press the “Cable” button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the “Setup” button until the “Cable” button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The “Cable” button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the “Setup” button.
  5. Type in the code 00173 (for 30 second Skip).
  6. Press whatever button you want to map the skip.

I’m using the [Live] button, since [Exit] is how I usually break out of the DVR recording, and that puts it a mirror to the [Replay] button (which skips back 15 seconds).

I got the above from this Lifehacker article, which talks about similar hacks for other types of DVRs.  the same advice can be found in more detail here (with an update for the Comcast “Platinum” remote).  This Wikibooks article has even more info and programming info.

Yes, I realize that I am making all the TV and Advert executives cry.  Sorry — I fast forward through your dreck anyway.  Now I can do it without resenting your product, too.

Instead … now I’m happy.

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