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Unblogged Bits for Fri, 9 Apr 2010, 2:01AM

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. ENDA: Hate Crimes Redux? – I’m beginning more and more to think that the word “traditional” has been co-opted by the Right to mean, “the stuff we actually admit to liking, or at least approving of.”
  2. Writing on the wall getting bigger for Ensign – I suppose — with all the talk of the apocalypse, and the collapse of civilization, and death panels, and concentration camps for Christians — that reporting on a Senator’s record of dalliances and bribes and violations of both ethics and the law would be kind of boring “inside the Beltway” news, not worth pursuing.
  3. The misguided nuclear talking points – At what point does this sort of misinformation transition from political talking point into active danger to the nation?
  4. Newt Gingrich: Obama The “Most Radical” President Ever – If Obama is, in fact, the most radical president ever, that’s a very sad statement on American politics. (In fact, I’d suggest both Roosevelts as far more radical — in terms of shaking things up — than Obama, and Lincoln’s probably right in there, too.) But don’t let me get in the way of your vapid political posturing, Newt.
  5. Wisconsin District Attorney Goes Bonkers on Birth Control – It’s so over the top that I have to ascribe it to a political stunt. At least, I hope it is. I mean, yeesh.
  6. Rear Gear Hides Dogs’ Yucky Parts – Um … if you can’t stand the sight of your pet’s butt … you probably shouldn’t have a pet. Sorry.
  7. New in Labs: Nested Labels and Message Sneak Peek – Nested labels are indeed a very cool idea. Unfortunately, so is the Hide Read Labels lab hack. Hrm.
  8. Typing Fail – Yeah, spell-check’s not going to help on that one …
  9. Kid Racks Up $1,400 In Farmville After Stealing Mom’s Credit Card – “Grounded” doesn’t begin to describe what this kid would be under were he mine.
  10. Just Got Even Less Free – I really like their commercials, but, damn, these folks are scum.
  11. Does Pat Buchanan Really Defend Slavery On National Television? – Boy, it sure sounds like it. Yikes.
  12. Japanese people have special seaweed-digesting bacteria in their guts – That’s very cool.
  13. The Onion: Pope Vows To Get Church Pedophilia Down To Acceptable Levels – You know, this would be funny, if it weren’t so tragically close to the truth …
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