Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- ENDA: Hate Crimes Redux? – I’m beginning more and more to think that the word “traditional” has been co-opted by the Right to mean, “the stuff we actually admit to liking, or at least approving of.”
- Writing on the wall getting bigger for Ensign – I suppose — with all the talk of the apocalypse, and the collapse of civilization, and death panels, and concentration camps for Christians — that reporting on a Senator’s record of dalliances and bribes and violations of both ethics and the law would be kind of boring “inside the Beltway” news, not worth pursuing.
- The misguided nuclear talking points – At what point does this sort of misinformation transition from political talking point into active danger to the nation?
- Newt Gingrich: Obama The “Most Radical” President Ever – If Obama is, in fact, the most radical president ever, that’s a very sad statement on American politics. (In fact, I’d suggest both Roosevelts as far more radical — in terms of shaking things up — than Obama, and Lincoln’s probably right in there, too.) But don’t let me get in the way of your vapid political posturing, Newt.
- Wisconsin District Attorney Goes Bonkers on Birth Control – It’s so over the top that I have to ascribe it to a political stunt. At least, I hope it is. I mean, yeesh.
- Rear Gear Hides Dogs’ Yucky Parts – Um … if you can’t stand the sight of your pet’s butt … you probably shouldn’t have a pet. Sorry.
- New in Labs: Nested Labels and Message Sneak Peek – Nested labels are indeed a very cool idea. Unfortunately, so is the Hide Read Labels lab hack. Hrm.
- Typing Fail – Yeah, spell-check’s not going to help on that one …
- Kid Racks Up $1,400 In Farmville After Stealing Mom’s Credit Card – “Grounded” doesn’t begin to describe what this kid would be under were he mine.
- Just Got Even Less Free – I really like their commercials, but, damn, these folks are scum.
- Does Pat Buchanan Really Defend Slavery On National Television? – Boy, it sure sounds like it. Yikes.
- Japanese people have special seaweed-digesting bacteria in their guts – That’s very cool.
- The Onion: Pope Vows To Get Church Pedophilia Down To Acceptable Levels – You know, this would be funny, if it weren’t so tragically close to the truth …
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