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Tweets from 2010-04-20

  • No idea what this week looks like, yet. But a lot of it will involve email, I'll bet. #
  • Have begun long, slow trudge from GMail back to Outlook. Sad, plus much archival work to do first. #
  • RT @DaphneUn, @twitfics: Good news: we destroyed the Ring. Bad news: we disrupted hemisphere's worth of air travel & 2 doz natl economies. #
  • RT @DDFL Adopt love! Cat adoption fees as low as $5 with this Twitter adoption coupon. #Denver #Colorado #pets #deals #
  • RT @shamusyoung Someone just mailed Lulzy a stack of 21 pies. #LOTRO [Hopefully w/o delivery orders.] #
  • Hit the new Ink! coffee across the street from work. Business is doing well it appears. #
  • K reminded me I told her no next Harry Potter movie until we watched "The Sound of Music". Rogers and Hammerstein for the win! #
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3 thoughts on “Tweets from 2010-04-20”

  1. Apparently so. And I’d mentioned wanting to watch it with her several times.

    So we finished it up tonight, and, yes, she enjoyed it (including curling up the lap for the suspenseful Flight from the Nazis scene). I gave her a little historical background beforehand (cf. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and Nazis).

    I wouldn’t recommend SoM for life lessons (“Wait until some older guy sweeps you off your feet — maybe at 17 — because the alternative is to become a nun”), but the music is great, the scenery is fun, and the lessons of how not to treat your kids are amusing.

    My current Movie Question: what was the last major theatrical release to include an intermission?

    1. The full version of Hamlet (1996 – 242 minutes) I saw had an Intermission…mostly so folks could hit the john, but that could have just been the theater. 🙂

      Before that?

      Barry Lyndon?



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