Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- In which my faith in Apple is shaken – This sort of thing is one of the reasons I’m not in the market for an iPhone.
- The Straight Dope: Is the GPS satellite system collapsing? Plus: Does 2X the sunscreen = 2X the SPF? – Another good reason not to build all our technology around GPS …
- Hastings At The High Court: Justices Divided Over Christian Legal Society Bias Case « The Wall of Separation – One would wonder whether Gingrich et al. would be so quick to defend and support funding for a school organization that explicitly excluded Christians.
- Volcanic Lightning, Eyjafjallajökull, and how it works [Starts With A Bang] – I still like my Surtur-vs-Thor hypothesis.
- The Amount Of Free Scifi TV On Hulu Is Mind-Boggling [Hulu] – That’s a lot of TV Scifi. Also, per Sturgeon (and my own knowledge of a lot of it) a lot of crap (coughGalatica1980cough). Still, certainly some ponies in there.
- The Entertainment Industry’s Dystopia of the Future – The Entertainment Industry basically thinks that the US Government should work for it, to make sure that YOU AREN’T STEALING ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO THEM!
- Facebook Further Reduces Your Control Over Personal Information – FB continues to demonstrate that it’s more about monetization than community. Consider this next time you list your interests, your location, etc.
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