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Unblogged Bits for Tue, 20 Apr 2010, 2:01AM

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. In which my faith in Apple is shaken – This sort of thing is one of the reasons I’m not in the market for an iPhone.
  2. The Straight Dope: Is the GPS satellite system collapsing? Plus: Does 2X the sunscreen = 2X the SPF? – Another good reason not to build all our technology around GPS …
  3. Hastings At The High Court: Justices Divided Over Christian Legal Society Bias Case « The Wall of Separation – One would wonder whether Gingrich et al. would be so quick to defend and support funding for a school organization that explicitly excluded Christians.
  4. Volcanic Lightning, Eyjafjallajökull, and how it works [Starts With A Bang] – I still like my Surtur-vs-Thor hypothesis.
  5. The Amount Of Free Scifi TV On Hulu Is Mind-Boggling [Hulu] – That’s a lot of TV Scifi. Also, per Sturgeon (and my own knowledge of a lot of it) a lot of crap (coughGalatica1980cough). Still, certainly some ponies in there.
  6. The Entertainment Industry’s Dystopia of the Future – The Entertainment Industry basically thinks that the US Government should work for it, to make sure that YOU AREN’T STEALING ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO THEM!
  7. Facebook Further Reduces Your Control Over Personal Information – FB continues to demonstrate that it’s more about monetization than community. Consider this next time you list your interests, your location, etc.
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